Section: Software

C++ library Concha  

Participants : Roland Becker, Daniela Capatina, Robert Luce, David Trujillo.

The objectives of our library Concha   are to offer a flexible and extensible software with respect to:

  • Numerical methods and

  • Physical models.

The aim is to have a flexible code which could easily switch between the different discretizations, in order to provide a toolbox for rapid testing of new ideas.

The software architecture is designed in such a way that a group of core developers can contribute in an efficient manner, and that independent development of different physical applications is possible. Further, in order to accelerate the integration of new members and in order to provide a basis for our educational purposes (see Section  9.1 ), the software proposes different entrance levels. The basic structure consists of a common block, and several special libraries which correspond to the different fields of applications described in Sections  4.1 4.4 Hyperbolic solvers, Low-Mach number flow solvers, DNS, and viscoelastic flows. A more detailed description of each special library may be found below. In order to coordinate the cooperative development of the library, Concha is based on the Inria-Gforge.